ISO 14726-2-2002 船和造船技术.管道系统的内容的识别颜色.第2部分:中等差异和/或功能用补充颜色

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标准号:ISO 14726-2-2002
英文名称:Ships and marine technology - Identification colours for the content of piping systems - Part 2: Additional colours for different media and/or functions
被替代标准:ISO 14726-2008
代替标准:ISO 5571-1981;ISO/FDIS 14726-2-2002
起草单位:ISO/TC 8
标准简介:This part of ISO 14726 specifies additional colours to be used with the main colours given in ISO 14726-1 for the marking of piping systems in accordance with the content and/or function on board ships and marine structures.
Additional colours may not be used if no differentiation of a single main colour on board is needed.
This part of ISO 14726 does not apply to piping systems for medical gases, industrial gases and cargos.
It gives no definitions for the listed media and/or functions.
These additional colours may also be used, together with the main colours, for piping systems on drawings and diagrams.

ISO 14726-2-2002 船和造船技术.管道系统的内容的识别颜色.第2部分_中等差异和_或功能用补充颜色.pdf (158.54 KB)

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