ISO 15016-2002 船舶和海上技术.用速度试验数据分析法对速度和动力性能的评定导则

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标准号:ISO 15016-2002
英文名称:Ships and marine technology - Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
被替代标准:ISO 15016-2015
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15016-2000
采用标准:BS ISO 15016-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 8
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the procedure to be applied in analysing the results of speed trials for ships, with reference to the effects which may have an influence upon the speed-power-revolutions relationship.
The applicability of this International Standard is limited to commercial ships of the displacement type.
The instrumentation to be used in the speed trials is not specifically indicated, nor is the method of conducting the trials. Calibrated instruments and their methods of use commonly adopted for such trials should be acceptable.
In this International Standard, it was decided that the unit to express the amount of an angle should be "rad" (radian) and that the unit of speed should be "m/s" (metres per second). Nevertheless,"°" (degree) as a unit for an angle and "kn" (knot) as a unit for speed may be used. However, the units for the angles and speeds which appear in calculation formulas are to be "rad" and "m/s" without exception. Moreover, for the convenience of the users of this standard, numerical values using the units of degree and knot are stated jointly at appropriate places.

ISO 15016-2002 船舶和海上技术.用速度试验数据分析法对速度和动力性能的评定导则.pdf (1.95 MB)

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