ISO 15708-1-2002 无损检验.辐射法.计算机断层扫描.第1部分: 原理

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标准号:ISO 15708-1-2002
中文名称:无损检验.辐射法.计算机断层扫描.第1部分: 原理
英文名称:Non-destructive testing - Radiation methods - Computed tomography - Part 1: Principles
被替代标准:ISO 15708-1-2017;ISO 15708-2-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15708-1-2002
采用标准:SANS 15708-1-2005,IDT;SANS 15708-1-2005,IDT;SANS 15708-1-2005,IDT;NEN-ISO 15708-1-2002,IDT;SANS 15708-1-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 135 Zerstorungsfreie Prufungen;ISO/TC 135 Non-destructive testing;ISO/TC 135 Essais non destructifs
标准简介:This part of ISO 15708 gives guidelines for, and defines terms for addressing the general principles of X-ray CT as they apply to industrial imaging. It also gives guidelines for a consistent set of CT performance parameter definitions, including how these performance parameters relate to CT system specifications.

ISO 15708-1-2002 无损检验.辐射法.计算机断层扫描.第1部分_ 原理.pdf (826.35 KB)

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