ISO 11783-2-2002 农业和林业用拖拉机及机械设备.系列控制和通信数据网.第2部分:物理层

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标准号:ISO 11783-2-2002
英文名称:Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and communications data network - Part 2: Physical layer
被替代标准:ISO 11783-2-2012
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 11783-2-2000
采用标准:DIN 9684-1-1997,MOD;DIN 9684-2-1998,MOD;DIN 9684-3-1997,MOD;DIN 9684-4-1998,MOD;DIN 9684-5-1999,MOD;BS ISO 11783-2-2002,IDT;NF U05-100-2-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 23
标准简介:This part of ISO 11783 specifies a serial data network for control and communications on forestry or agricultural tractors and mounted, semi-mounted, towed or self-propelled implements. Its purpose is to standardize the method and format of transfer of data between sensor, actuators, control elements, and information-storage and -display units, whether mounted on, or part of, the tractor or implement. This part of ISO 11783 defines and describes the network's 250 kbit/s, twisted, non-shielded, quad-cable physical layer.

ISO 11783-2-2002 农业和林业用拖拉机及机械设备.系列控制和通信数据网.第2部分_物理层.pdf (857.4 KB)

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