ISO 15011-1-2002 焊接和有关过程中的健康和安全.电弧焊接产生的取样烟尘和气体的实验室方法.第1部分:颗粒烟尘分析的排放率测定和取样

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标准号:ISO 15011-1-2002
英文名称:Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases generated by arc welding - Part 1: Determination of emission rate and sampling for analysis of particulate fume
被替代标准:ISO 15011-1-2009
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15011-1-2000
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT;BS EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT;EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT;NF A88-200-1-2002,IDT;SN EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 15011-1-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 44
标准简介:This European standard describes a method for the determination of the participate fume emission rate from arc welding processes using a fume box technique. It defines a method of sampling particulate fume for chemical analysis and suggests possible analytical techniques in order to characterize fumes emitted by consumable during welding.

ISO 15011-1-2002 焊接和有关过程中的健康和安全.电弧焊接产生的取样烟尘和气体的实验室方法.第1部分_颗粒烟尘分析的排放率测定和取样.pdf (277.39 KB)

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