ISO 15382-2002 核能.放射性防护.外部受弱穿透辐射,特别是受到β辐射的核设施的辐射防护监测程序

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标准号:ISO 15382-2002
英文名称:Nuclear Energy - Radioprotection - Procedure for Radiation Protection Monitoring in Nuclear Installations for External Exposure to Weakly Penetrating Radiation, Especially to Beta Radiation
被替代标准:ISO 15382-2015
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15382-2001
采用标准:NF M60-531-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 85
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a procedure for radiation protection monitoring in nuclear installations for external exposure to weakly penetrating radiation, especially to beta radiation and describes the procedure in radiation protection monitoring for external exposure to weakly penetrating radiation in nuclear installations. This radiation comprises β<up-> radiation, β<up+> radiation and conversion electron radiation as well as photon radiation with energies below 15 keV. This International Standard describes the procedure in radiation protection planning and monitoring as well as the measurement and analysis to be applied. It applies to regular nuclear power plant operation including maintenance, waste handling and decommissioning.
The recommendations of this International Standard may also be transferred to other nuclear fields including reprocessing, if the area-specific issues are considered. This International Standard may also be applied to radiation protection at accelerator facilities and in nuclear medicine, biology and research facilities.

ISO 15382-2002 核能.放射性防护.外部受弱穿透辐射,特别是受到β辐射的核设施的辐射防护监测程序.pdf (287.98 KB)

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