ISO 15614-8-2002 金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.第8部分:管对管板接头焊接

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标准号:ISO 15614-8-2002
英文名称:Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube-plate joints
被替代标准:ISO 15614-8-2016
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15614-8-2000
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT;BS EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT;EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT;NF A89-057-8-2002,IDT;SN EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT;PN-EN ISO 15614-8-2005,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 15614-8-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 44
标准简介:This European Standard specifies requirements for the qualification testing of welding procedures for the arc welding of tube to tube-plate joints in metallic materials by manual, partly mechanized, mechanized or automatic processes.
This standard is a part of a series of standards. Details of this series are given in prEN ISO 15607, Annex A.
Qualification by tube to tube-plate joint tests can be used for all joints even if they are fully loaded or only seal welded as required in application standards.
In such cases, one or more special test pieces should be made to simulate the production joint in all essential features, e.g. dimensions, restraint, heat sink effects. The test should be carried out prior to and under the conditions to be used in production.
This standard applies to fusion welding of metallic materials for tube to tube-plate joints with gap. This standard does not apply to tube-sheets with forged end connections with welded tubes (external/internal bore welds). For welding of tube to tube-plate joints without gap welding procedure test should be defined in the specification.
For other applications and/or requirements the standard can be used if required by the specification.
Repair welding should be considered in the welding procedure test.

ISO 15614-8-2002 金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.第8部分_管对管板接头焊接.pdf (468.78 KB)

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