ISO 3968-2001 液压传动 过滤器 压降与流量特性关系的评估

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标准号:ISO 3968-2001
中文名称:液压传动  过滤器  压降与流量特性关系的评估
英文名称:Hydraulic fluid power - Filters - Evaluation of differential pressure versus flow characteristics
被替代标准:ISO 3968-2017
代替标准:ISO 3968-1981;ISO/FDIS 3968-2001
采用标准:BS ISO 3968-2002,IDT;GB/T 17486-2006,IDT;NF E48-677-2002,IDT;JIS B 8356-7-2006,IDT;KS B ISO 3968-2014,IDT;GOST R ISO 3968-2011,IDT;TS ISO 3968-2005,IDT;UNI ISO 3968-2005-2005,IDT;NEN-ISO 3968-2002 en-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a procedure for evaluating differential pressure versus flow characteristics of hydraulic filters and constitutes a basis for agreement between the filter manufacturer and user.
It also specifies a method for measurement of the differential pressure generated at different flow rates and viscosities by the relevant parts of a filter assembly, that is the housing, the filter element and any valves contained within the housing that are in the flow stream.

ISO 3968-2001 液压传动 过滤器 压降与流量特性关系的评估.pdf (213.01 KB)

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