ISO 13909-5-2001 硬煤和焦炭 机械化采样 第5部分:焦炭 从移动燃烧流中采样

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标准号:ISO 13909-5-2001
中文名称:硬煤和焦炭  机械化采样  第5部分:焦炭  从移动燃烧流中采样
英文名称:Hard coal and coke - Mechanical sampling - Part 5: Coke; Sampling from moving streams
被替代标准:ISO 13909-5-2016
代替标准:ISO 9411-2-1993;ISO/FDIS 13909-5-2001
采用标准:DIN 51701-2-1985,MOD;BS ISO 13909-5-2002,IDT;NF M01-013-5-2005,IDT;M01-013-5PR,IDT;PN-ISO 13909-5-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 27
标准简介:This part of ISO 13909 specifies procedures and requirements for the design and establishment of sampling schemes for the mechanical sampling of coke from moving streams and the methods of sampling used.
The diversity of types of equipment for sampling and the conditions under which mechanical sampling is performed make it inappropriate to specify standard designs for samplers which will be applicable to all situations.

ISO 13909-5-2001 硬煤和焦炭 机械化采样 第5部分:焦炭 从移动燃烧流中采样.pdf (603.33 KB)

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