ISO 6932-2001 最高含碳量为0.25%的冷轧碳素钢带

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标准号:ISO 6932-2001
英文名称:Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a maximum carbon content of 0,25 %
被替代标准:ISO 6932-2008
代替标准:ISO 6932-1986;ISO/DIS 6932-2000
采用标准:DIN EN 10139-1997,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:1   This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a maximum carbon content of 0,25 %, furnished to two levels of closer tolerances than cold-reduced carbon steel sheet, with specific quality, specific hardness requirements or mechanical properties, specific edge and specific finish.
NOTE    This International Standard does not apply to the product in narrow widths known as cold-reduced carbon steel sheet slit from wider widths (ISO 3574), nor does it include cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a carbon content over 0,25 % (ISO 4960).
2   Cold-reduced carbon steel strip is produced with a maximum of the specified carbon not exceeding:
—   0,15 % for material specified to mechanical properties;
—   0,25 % for material specified to temper (hardness) requirements.
3   This product is commonly produced in thicknesses of 6 mm and under, and in widths up to 600 mm, in coils and cut lengths.

ISO 6932-2001 最高含碳量为0.25%的冷轧碳素钢带.pdf (216.96 KB)

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