ISO 9364-2001 商品级、固定成型级和结构级连续热镀铝/锌薄钢板

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标准号:ISO 9364-2001
英文名称:Continuous hot-dip aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet of commercial, drawing and structural qualities
被替代标准:ISO 9364-2006
代替标准:ISO 9364-1991;ISO/FDIS 9364-2001
采用标准:DIN EN 10292-2000,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:1  This International Standard specifies the characteristics of steel of commercial, drawing and structural qualities coated by a continuous hot-dip aluminium/zinc alloy coating process.  The aluminium/zinc altoy composition by mass is nominally 55 % aluminium, 1,6 % silicon and the balance zinc. The product is intended for applications where the corrosion characteristics of aluminium coupled with those of zinc are desired.
2  Aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet is produced in thicknesses up to 5 mm after coating, and in widths of 600 mm and over in coils and cut lengths. Aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet less than 600 mm wide may be slit from wide sheet and will be considered as sheet.
NOTE    Values of total theoretical thickness for coating mass are given in annex A.
3  Commercial quality aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet (quality 01) is intended for general fabricating purposes where sheet is used in the flat, or for bending or moderate forming.
4  Drawing quality aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet (qualities 02 and 03) are intended for drawing or severe forming. It is furnished to all the requirements of this International Standard or, with agreement when ordered, to fabricate an identified part, in which case the mechanical properties of Table 3 do not apply.
Drawing qualities are identified as follows:
02: Drawing quality
03: Deep drawing quality
5  Structural quality aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet is produced in six grades as defined by a minimum yield stress.

ISO 9364-2001 商品级、固定成型级和结构级连续热镀铝_锌薄钢板.pdf (240.25 KB)

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