ISO 15360-2-2001 再生纸浆 粘性和胶质的评估 第2部分:图象分析法

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标准号:ISO 15360-2-2001
中文名称:再生纸浆  粘性和胶质的评估  第2部分:图象分析法
英文名称:Recycled pulps - Estimation of Stickies and Plastics - Part 2: Image analysis method
被替代标准:ISO 15360-2-2015
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15360-2-2001
采用标准:GB/T 21557-2008,MOD;JIS P 8231-2006,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 6
标准简介:This part of ISO 15360 specifies a method to estimate Stickies and Plastics in all grades of recycled pulp. It applies the principles for the separation of Stickies and Plastics described in ISO 15360-1. The visualization and counting techniques described in that standard are replaced here by image analysis.
This part of ISO 15360 permits the use of different laboratory screening devices as well as screens of different sizes when applying the specified method. It is impracticable to define more closely the equipment or screen sizes to be used, because of the wide range of Stickies and Plastics found in recycled pulps, and the various screening devices which are being successfully used for their measurement.
NOTE  This method will only estimate those Stickies and Plastics which are tacky and which are retained on the screen of a given slit size under the temperature and pressure conditions of this test method. It should be noted that this will probably not be the total amount of Stickies and Plastics that are actually present in a given pulp sample.

ISO 15360-2-2001 再生纸浆 粘性和胶质的评估 第2部分:图象分析法.pdf (118.66 KB)

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