ISO 16844-1-2001 道路车辆 速度记录器系统 第1部分:电连接器

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标准号:ISO 16844-1-2001
中文名称:道路车辆  速度记录器系统  第1部分:电连接器
英文名称:Road vehicles - Tachograph systems - Part 1: Electrical connectors
被替代标准:ISO 16844-1-2013
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 16844-1-2001
采用标准:ABNT NBR ISO 16844-1-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 16844 gives the dimensions and tests and requirements for the performance of electrical connectors needed for ensuring the interchangeability of different components of the tachograph systems used for road vehicles in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85 on recording equipment in road transport. In particular, this part of ISO 16844 specifies the connector used to connect the recording unit of the tachograph to the vehicle electrical wiring harness.

ISO 16844-1-2001 道路车辆 速度记录器系统 第1部分:电连接器.pdf (435.48 KB)

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