ISO 11900-2-2001 冲压工具 球锁紧冲头固定板 第2部分:用于轻载荷的C型和D型固定板

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标准号:ISO 11900-2-2001
中文名称:冲压工具  球锁紧冲头固定板  第2部分:用于轻载荷的C型和D型固定板
英文名称:Tools for pressing - Ball-lock punch retainers - Part 2: Types C and D, reduced for light duty
被替代标准:ISO 11900-2-2008
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 11900-2-2001
采用标准:BS ISO 11900-2-2001,IDT;NF E63-116-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 29
标准简介:This part of ISO 11900 specifies the dimensions and tolerances, in millimetres, of reduced ball-lock punch retainers, type C and type D, for light duty, and of their backing plug, the main use being retention of ball-lock punches in accordance with ISO 10071-1, when punching holes in steel sheets.
It also gives material guidelines and hardness requirements, and specifies the designation of ball-lock punch retainers in accordance with this part of ISO 11900.

ISO 11900-2-2001 冲压工具 球锁紧冲头固定板 第2部分:用于轻载荷的C型和D型固定板.pdf (112.06 KB)

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