ISO 3867-2001 复合软木 膨胀连接填充料 试验方法

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标准号:ISO 3867-2001
中文名称:复合软木  膨胀连接填充料  试验方法
英文名称:Composition cork - Expansion joint fillers - Test methods
被替代标准:ISO 3867-2017
代替标准:ISO 3867-1982;ISO/DIS 3867-1998
采用标准:ASTM D 545-1984,MOD;BS ISO 3867-2001,IDT;NF B57-047-2003,IDT;B57-047PR,IDT;KS M ISO 3867-2004,IDT;TS ISO 3867-2015,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 87
标准简介:This International Standard specifies test methods to determine the following characteristics of the composition cork intended to be used as a joint filler of expansion joints of concrete or other construction materials:
—  apparent density,
—  expansion in water,
—  compression,
—  recovery,
—  extrusion,
—  water absorption.
These test methods apply to agglomerated cork joint filler with a nominal thickness ranging from 6,3 mm to 25 mm.

ISO 3867-2001 复合软木 膨胀连接填充料 试验方法.pdf (85.95 KB)

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