ISO 8261-2001 乳和乳制品 用于微生物检验的试验样品及稀释剂的制备

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标准号:ISO 8261-2001
中文名称:乳和乳制品 用于微生物检验的试验样品及稀释剂的制备
英文名称:Milk and milk products - General guidance for the preparation of test samples, initial suspensions and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination
被替代标准:ISO 6887-5-2010
代替标准:ISO 8261-1989;ISO/FDIS 8261-2001
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 8261-2001,IDT;BS EN ISO 8261-2002,IDT;EN ISO 8261-2001,IDT;NF V04-018-2001,IDT;SN EN ISO 8261-2001,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 8261-2001,IDT;PN-EN ISO 8261-2002,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 8261-2002,IDT;GOST R ISO 7218-2008,MOD;IDF 122-2001,NEQ
起草单位:ISO/TC 34
标准简介:This International Standard describes general guidelines for the preparation of test samples, initial suspensions and decimal dilutions for the microbiological examination of milk and milk products, including milk-based infant foods.

ISO 8261-2001 乳和乳制品 用于微生物检验的试验样品及稀释剂的制备.pdf (108.08 KB)

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