ISO 10962-2001 证券和相关金融票据 金融票据的分类(CFI 代码)

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标准号:ISO 10962-2001
中文名称:证券和相关金融票据  金融票据的分类(CFI 代码)
英文名称:Securities and related financial instruments - Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code)
被替代标准:ISO 10962-2015
代替标准:ISO 10962-1997;ISO/FDIS 10962-2000;ISO 10962 Technical Corrigendum 1-1997
采用标准:BS ISO 10962-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 68
标准简介:This International Standard defines and describes codes for an internationally valid system to classify financial instruments. The classification system applies to financial instruments negotiated internationally as well as to domestic instruments. The term "financial instruments" refers not only to classical securities; it also covers the innovative financial products that have recently emerged in different markets ?a trend that is expected to continue in the future.
This International Standard is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of securities in international securities business. Insofar as the trading and the administration of securities do not affect other countries, the application of this International Standard remains at the discretion of the responsible national bodies, such as stock exchanges, banks, brokers, and other institutions active in the securities field.

ISO 10962-2001 证券和相关金融票据 金融票据的分类(CFI 代码).pdf (157.14 KB)

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