ISO 1925-2001 机械振动 平衡 词汇 两种语言版

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标准号:ISO 1925-2001
中文名称:机械振动 平衡 词汇 两种语言版
英文名称:Mechanical vibration - Balancing - Vocabulary
被替代标准:ISO 21940-2-2017
代替标准:ISO 1925-1990;ISO/FDIS 1925-2000;ISO 1925 AMD 1-1995;ISO 1925 DAM 2-1999
采用标准:DIN ISO 1925-2002,IDT;BS ISO 1925-2001,IDT;GB/T 6444-2008,IDT;SS-ISO 1925-2001,IDT;KS B ISO 1925-2003,IDT;TS ISO 1925-2013,IDT;STN ISO 1925-2003,IDT;CSN ISO 1925-2003,IDT;NEN-ISO 1925-2001 en;fr-2001,IDT;SFS-ISO 1925-en-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 108
标准简介:This International Standard establishes, in English and in French, a vocabulary on balancing. An alpha-betical index is provided for each of the two languages.
A general vocabulary on vibration and shock is given in ISO 2041.
NOTE  Terms in boldface in the definitions are them-selves defined elsewhere in this vocabulary.
Annex A gives an illustrated guide to balancing machine terminology and includes equivalent terms in English, French and German.

ISO 1925-2001 机械振动 平衡 词汇 两种语言版.pdf (389.83 KB)

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