ISO 3842-2001 道路车辆 备用轮 互换性

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标准号:ISO 3842-2001
中文名称:道路车辆  备用轮  互换性
英文名称:Road vehicles - Fifth wheels - Interchangeability
被替代标准:ISO 3842-2006
代替标准:ISO 3842-1984;ISO/FDIS 3842-2000
采用标准:DIN 74081-1992,MOD;DIN 74087-2000,MOD;NF R41-171-2003,IDT;R41-171PR,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the dimensional characteristics necessary for the mounting and interchangea-bility of the fifth wheel on the frame (subframe or mounting plate) of towing vehicles for semi-trailers. It is applicable to fifth wheels intended for hitching on semi-trailers equipped with a
—  50 kingpin as defined in ISO 337, or
—  90 kingpin as defined in ISO 4086.
Dimensions not specified are left to the discretion of the component manufacturer.
NOTE  Those test conditions and strength requirements to be met by 50 and 90 fifth wheel couplings are specified in ISO 8717.

ISO 3842-2001 道路车辆 备用轮 互换性.pdf (106.38 KB)

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