ITU-T Q.920 AMD 1-2000 ISDN用户网络接口数据链路层-概述-系列Q:交换和信令-NO.1数字用户信令系统 数据链路层修正案

查看4733 | 回复5 | 2010-7-24 16:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
标准号:ITU-T Q.920 AMD 1-2000
中文名称:ISDN用户网络接口数据链路层-概述-系列Q:交换和信令-NO.1数字用户信令系统 数据链路层修正案
英文名称:ISDN user-network interface data link layer - General aspects Amendment 1 (Study Group 11)
标准简介:This Recommendation describes in general terms the link access procedure on the D-channel,
LAPD. Details are provided in ITU-T Q.921 [1].
The purpose of LAPD is to convey information between layer 3 entities across the ISDN
user-network interface using the D-channel.
This Recommendation has been amended in order to add a new Annex A to describe in general
terms the link access procedure for use in a symmetrical application between two Private Integrated
Network eXchanges (PINXs) at the Q reference point.

ITU-T Q.920 AMD 1-2000 ISDN用户网络接口数据链路层-概述-系列Q_交换和信令-NO.1数字用户信令系统 数据链路层修正案.pdf (196.18 KB)

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