ISO 13323-1-2000 粒度分布的测定 单粒轻微互动法 第1部分:轻微互动条件

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标准号:ISO 13323-1-2000
中文名称:粒度分布的测定 单粒轻微互动法 第1部分:轻微互动条件
英文名称:Determination of particle size distribution - Single-particle light interaction methods - Part 1: Light interaction considerations
被替代标准:ISO 21501-4-2007;ISO 21501-3-2007;ISO 21501-2-2007
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 13323-1-2000
采用标准:BS ISO 13323-1-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 24
标准简介:This part of ISO 13323 provides guidance on the selection and operation of devices that determine the size and number of particles by measuring the phenomena resulting from light interaction with individual particles present in a gas or liquid. The reported particle size is defined as an equivalent optical size based upon the response of the measurement system to calibration particles. This definition requires that the instrument be calibrated with well-defined materials.
This part of ISO 13323 applies to particles ranging in size from approximately 0,05 μm in diameter to the millimetre size range. Gas-borne particles in sizes from approximately 0,05 μm to 20 μm or so are measured primarily by light-scattering. Larger particles can be measured using light extinction sensors. Liquid-borne particles in the size range from approximately 0,05 μm to a few micrometres are measured by light-scattering. Light extinction is used to measure liquid-borne particles in sizes from approximately 1 μm to the millimetre size range. The size range capability of any single instrument is usually approximately 100:1. Particles larger than approximately 100 times the size of the smallest particle that can be measured with good sizing resolution are reported as "greater than or equal to the threshold size" of the largest size channel of the instrument.
The response that is considered in this part of ISO 13323 is the change in collected light flux resulting from the presence of a single-particle within the optical sensing zone of the measuring instrument. For this reason, instruments, which rely upon optical interaction to produce data only indicating the extent of particle motion, are not discussed here.
NOTE      Instruments not discussed here include devices such as aerodynamic particle sizers or phase Doppler particle analysers, which produce data primarily dependent upon the aerodynamic size of the particles. Those instrument types do not use the extent of light interaction to measure the particle size. The particle size is defined by residence time during motion through a defined distance or by particle velocity. These instruments report a particle size that is related to fluid-dynamic measurements.

ISO 13323-1-2000 粒度分布的测定 单粒轻微互动法 第1部分_轻微互动条件.pdf (172.27 KB)

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