ISO 6953-1-2000 气动减压阀和过滤减压阀.第1部分:商务文件中应包含的主要特性和产品标识要求

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标准号:ISO 6953-1-2000
英文名称:Pneumatic fluid power - Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators - Part 1: Main characteristics to be included in literature from suppliers and product-marketing requirements
被替代标准:ISO 6953-1-2015
代替标准:ISO 6953-1-1990;ISO/FDIS 6953-1-2000
采用标准:BS ISO 6953-1-2001,IDT;GB/T 20081.1-2006,IDT;NF E49-330-1-2000,IDT;JIS B 8372-1-2003,IDT;JIS B 8372-1-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This part of ISO 6953 specifies the characteristics of compressed air pressure regulators to be included in literature from their suppliers. It also applies to filter-regulators.
In addition, it specifies the product marking requirements for pressure regulators and filter-regulators.
This part of ISO 6953 is applicable to compressed air pressure regulators with a rated inlet pressure of up to 2 500 kPa [25 bar1)] and an outlet adjustment pressure of up to 1 600 kPa (16 bar), and to filter-regulators with rated inlet and outlet pressures of up to 1 600 kPa (16 bar), in which the major contaminants are removed by mechanical means. The maximum temperature is 80 °C for regulators and filter-regulators and applies to materials of construction that are light alloys (aluminium, etc.), zinc die-casting alloys, brass, steel and plastic.
The rated pressure should be selected from the preferred pressures listed in ISO 2944.

ISO 6953-1-2000 气动减压阀和过滤减压阀.第1部分_商务文件中应包含的主要特性和产品标识要求.pdf (136.3 KB)

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