ISO 15894-2000 空间数据和信息传输系统 空间通信协议规范 文件协议

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标准号:ISO 15894-2000
中文名称:空间数据和信息传输系统 空间通信协议规范 文件协议
英文名称:Space data and information transfer systems - Protocol specification for space communications - File protocol
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15894-1998
采用标准:98/706073 DC-1998,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 20
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the requirements for the services and protocols of the space communications protocol specification (SCPS) file transfer service. These requirements are to allow independent implementations of this protocol in space and ground segments of the SCPS network to interoperate.
This International Standard addresses those considerations attending communications between space platforms and ground systems, and between space platforms.

ISO 15894-2000 空间数据和信息传输系统 空间通信协议规范 文件协议.pdf (406.1 KB)

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