标准号:ISO/IEC 15421-2000
中文名称:信息技术 自动识别和数据捕获技术 条形码主要测试规范
英文名称:Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code master test specifications
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 15421-2010
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 15421-2000
采用标准:DIN EN ISO/IEC 15421-2002,IDT;BS EN ISO/IEC 15421-2002,IDT;EN ISO/IEC 15421-2001,IDT;prEN ISO/IEC 15421-2001,IDT;NF Z63-421-2003,IDT;Z63-421PR,IDT;JIS X 0524-2007,IDT;CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 15421-02-2002,IDT;SN EN ISO/IEC 15421-2001,IDT;OENORM EN ISO/IEC 15421-2002,IDT;OENORM EN ISO/IEC 15421-2001,IDT;UNE-EN ISO/IEC 15421-2002,IDT;GOST 31245-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1
标准简介:This International Standard defines the physical and related attributes of a bar code master and the quality criteria by which its conformity with this standard is to be assessed, and contains guidelines to assist in its use. The standard covers all forms of bar code master, irrespective of the mode of origination of the initial image, intended for reproduction by conventional printing processes.
ISO_IEC 15421-2000 信息技术 自动识别和数据捕获技术 条形码主要测试规范.pdf
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