CEN/TR 16013-3-2012 工作场所暴露.气溶胶监测用直接读数仪的使用.第1部分:评估使用光度计的空气粒子浓度

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标准号:CEN/TR 16013-3-2012
英文名称:Workplace exposure - Guide for the use of direct-reading instruments for aerosol monitoring - Part 3: Evaluation of airborne particle concentrations using photometers
标准简介:This Technical Report describes the use of photometers for the determination of airborne particles belonging to the respirable fraction and gives details on their limitations and possible uses in the field of occupational hygiene. NOTE Photometers can also be used to detect other size fractions of airborne particles after aerodynamic pre-separation, but these are not the focus of this Technical Report. The method complements existing conventional long-term aerosol particle sampling and can be used for: instantaneous (direct-reading) measurement, time-related monitoring, investigation of space-related aerosol evolution (mapping), and exposure visualization. The method enables e. g.: detection and relative quantification of concentration peaks due to specific operations (bagging, sanding, etc.); identification of most exposed workers with a view to more detailed studies of risks and prevention measures to be applied; and detection of dust emission sources and their relative magnitudes.

CEN_TR 16013-3-2012 工作场所暴露.气溶胶监测用直接读数仪的使用.第1部分_评估使用光度计的空气粒子浓度.pdf (1.42 MB)

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