ISO 11090-2-1998 机床 电腐蚀加工机床(EDM)检验条件 术语和精度检验 第2部分:双柱式机床(移动主轴头型和十字移动工作台型)

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标准号:ISO 11090-2-1998
中文名称:机床 电腐蚀加工机床(EDM)检验条件 术语和精度检验 第2部分:双柱式机床(移动主轴头型和十字移动工作台型)
英文名称:Machine tools - Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM) - Terminology and testing of accuracy - Part 2: Two column machines (slide-head type and cross-slide table type)
被替代标准:ISO 11090-2-2014
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 11090-2-1998
采用标准:DIN 8662-3-1988,MOD;DIN ISO 11090-2-2001,IDT;BS ISO 11090-2-1998,IDT;GB/T 5291.2-2003,IDT;NF E60-134-2-2000,IDT;JIS B 6361-2-1999,MOD;SN ISO 11090-2-1998,IDT;PN-ISO 11090-2-2000,IDT;UNE 15600-2-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 39
标准简介:This part of ISO 11090 specifies, with reference to ISO 230-1 and ISO 230-2, geometric and machining tests and tests for checking accuracy and repeatability of numerically controlled positioning axes for general purpose and normal accuracy die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM). It also specifies the applicable tolerances, corresponding to the above-mentioned tests.
This part of ISO 11090 is applicable to two column machines of slide-head type and cross-slide table type.
This part of ISO 11090 deals only with the verification of accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the testing of the machine operation (vibrations, abnormal noises, stick-slip motion of components, etc.), nor to the checking of its characteristics (such as speeds, feeds, etc.), which should generally be checked before the testing of the accuracy.
This part of ISO 11090 provides the terminology used for the principal components of the machine and the designation of the axes with reference to ISO 841<up[1]>.
NOTE — In addition to the terms used in the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian), annex A of this part of ISO 11090 gives, for information, the equivalent terms in the Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish languages; these are published under the responsibility of the national member bodies for Belgium (IBN), Germany (DIN), Italy (UNI) and Sweden (SIS). However, only the terms given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms.

ISO 11090-2-1998 机床 电腐蚀加工机床(EDM)检验条件 术语和精度检验 第2部分_双柱式机床(移动主轴头型和十字移动工作台型).pdf (214.02 KB)

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