ISO 12156-2-1998 柴油 使用高频往复装置(HFRR)进行润滑油评定 第2部分:限值

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标准号:ISO 12156-2-1998
中文名称:柴油 使用高频往复装置(HFRR)进行润滑油评定 第2部分:限值
英文名称:Diesel fuel - Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) - Part 2: Limit
被替代标准:ISO 12156-2-2007
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 12156-2-1998
采用标准:DIN EN 590-1993,MOD;BS ISO 12156-2-1999,IDT;SAE J 2265-1995,NEQ
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 12156 specifies the performance requirement (limit) necessary to ensure reliable operation of diesel fuel injection equipment with respect to lubrication by fuel of such equipment.
It applies to fuels used in diesel engines.
NOTE — A variety of typical fuels was investigated prior to approval of this part of ISO 12156. However, it is not known whether the performance requirements specified in this part of ISO 12156 is appropriate for all additive/fuel combinations. Additional work is underway to help predict the performance and future revisions of this part of ISO 12156 may be necessary once this work is complete.

ISO 12156-2-1998 柴油 使用高频往复装置(HFRR)进行润滑油评定 第2部分_限值.pdf (42.93 KB)

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