ISO 11929-1-2000 电离辐射测量探测限和判断阀的确定 第1部分:基本原则及对不经过样品处理的计数测量的应用

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标准号:ISO 11929-1-2000
中文名称:电离辐射测量探测限和判断阀的确定 第1部分:基本原则及对不经过样品处理的计数测量的应用
英文名称:Determination of the detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Part 1: Fundamentals and application to counting measurements without the influence of sample treatment
被替代标准:ISO 11929-2010
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 11929-1-1999
采用标准:DIN 25482-1-1989,MOD;BS ISO 11929-1-2004,IDT;M60-200-1PR,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 85
标准简介:This part of ISO 11929 specifies suitable statistical values which allow an assessment of the detection capabilities in ionizing radiation measurements without the influence of sample treatment. For this purpose, statistical methods are used to specify the following two statistical values characterizing given probabilities of error.
—  The decision threshold, which allows a decision to be made for each measurement with a given probability of error as to whether the registered pulses include a contribution by the sample.
—  The detection limit, which specifies the minimum sample contribution which can be detected with a given probability of error using the measuring procedure in question. This consequently allows a decision to be made as to whether a measuring method defined in this part of ISO 11929 satisfies certain requirements and is consequently suitable for the given purpose of measurement.
The difference between using the decision threshold and using the detection limit is that measured values are to be compared with the decision threshold while the detection limit is to be compared with the guideline value.

ISO 11929-1-2000 电离辐射测量探测限和判断阀的确定 第1部分_基本原则及对不经过样品处理的计数测量的应用.pdf (125.67 KB)

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