ITU-T X.902-2009 信息技术 开放分布处理 参考模型:基础

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标准号:ITU-T X.902-2009
中文名称:信息技术 开放分布处理 参考模型:基础
英文名称:Information technology �C Open Distributed Processing �C Reference model: Foundations (Study Group 17)
代替标准:ITU-T X.902-1995
采用标准:ISO/IEC 10746-2-2009,IDT;ISO/IEC FDIS 10746-2-2010,IDT
标准简介:Recommendation ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2 contains the definition of the concepts and analytical framework for normalized description of (arbitrary) distributed processing systems. It introduces the principles of conformance to ODP standards and the way in which they are applied. This is only to a level of detail sufficient to support Recommendation ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3 and to establish requirements for new specification techniques.

ITU-T X.902-2009 信息技术 开放分布处理 参考模型_基础.pdf (427.04 KB)

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