ISO 5950-2000 商品级和冲压级连续电镀锡冷轧碳素薄钢板

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标准号:ISO 5950-2000
英文名称:Continuous electrolytic tin-coated cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities
被替代标准:ISO 5950-2008
代替标准:ISO 5950-1991;ISO/FDIS 5950-2000
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:1  This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities coated in coil form by electro-deposition of tin. The product is commonly known as electrolytic tin-coated sheet and is used where solderability is desired, appearance is important, or a degree of corrosion resistance under specific conditions is advantageous and coating mass may be specified. The coating is expressed as the total coating on both surfaces in grams per square metre. The coating mass specified should be compatible with the desired service life, thickness of the base metal and the forming requirements involved. A designation system (clause 4) includes the coating designation, coating condition and quality.
2  Electrolytic tin-coated sheet<up1)> is normally produced in thicknesses from 0,50 mm to 0,85 mm and widths of 600 mm to 1 050 mm, in coils and cut lengths.
3  Commercial quality electrolytic tin-coated sheet (quality 01) is intended for general fabricating purposes where sheet is used in the flat, or for bending or moderate forming.
4  Drawing quality electrolytic tin-coated sheet (qualities 02, 03, 04) is intended for drawing or severe forming. It is furnished according to the requirements of this International Standard or, with agreement where ordered, to fabricate an identified part, in which case mechanical properties do not apply. Drawing qualities are identified as follows:
—  02   drawing quality;
—  03   deep drawing quality;
—  04   deep drawing quality aluminum killed (non-ageing).
5  This International Standard does not cover tinplate and blackplate.
note: 1) Some world markets define "electrolytic tinplate" as having a maximum thickness of 0,38 mm in which case the thickness range for 'electrolytic tin-coated sheet' will have a minimum of 0,38 mm.

ISO 5950-2000 商品级和冲压级连续电镀锡冷轧碳素薄钢板.pdf (111.22 KB)

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