ISO/TR 13843-2000 水质 微生物法的有效使用指南

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标准号:ISO/TR 13843-2000
中文名称:水质 微生物法的有效使用指南
英文名称:Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods
被替代标准:ISO 13843-2017
采用标准:DIN V ENV ISO 13843-2001,IDT;BS DD ENV ISO/TR 13843-2001,IDT;ENV ISO 13843-2001,IDT;prENV ISO 13843-2000,IDT;FD T90-460-2001,IDT;SN ENV ISO 13843-2001,IDT;OENORM ENV ISO 13843-2001,IDT;SANS 13843-2004,IDT;KS I ISO TR 13843-2007,IDT;DS/ENV ISO/TR 13843-2001,IDT;STN P ENV ISO 13843-2003,IDT;SANS 13843-2004,IDT;SANS 13843-2004-2004,IDT;CSN P ENV ISO 13843-2002,IDT;DS/ENV ISO/TR 13843-2001,IDT;NVN-ENV-ISO 13843-2001 en-2001,IDT;SANS 13843-2004-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 147
标准简介:This Technical Report deals with validation of microbiological methods, with particular emphasis on selective quantitative methods in which the quantitative estimate is based on counting of particles either directly, with the aid of a microscope, or indirectly, on the basis of growth (multiplication) into colonies or turbidity.
The principles and procedures within this scope are commonly known as the presence/absence (P/A), most probable number (MPN), colony count and direct (microscopic) count.
This Technical Report does not apply to the validation of the so-called rapid or modern methods which mostly depend on measuring products or changes due to microbial activity but do not address the detection of individual particles.

ISO_TR 13843-2000 水质 微生物法的有效使用指南.pdf (481.58 KB)

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