ITU-T X.681-2015 信息技术.抽象语法标记:信息对象规格(研究组17)

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标准号:ITU-T X.681-2015
英文名称:Information technology �C Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification (Study Group 17)
代替标准:ITU-T X.681-2008;ITU-T X.681 CORR 1-2011
采用标准:ISO/IEC 8824-2-2015,IDT;ISO/IEC DIS 8824-2-2015,IDT
标准简介:Recommendation ITU-T X.681 | ISO/IEC 8824-2 provides the ASN.1 notation which allows information object classes as well as individual information objects and sets thereof to be defined and given reference names. An information object class defines the form of a conceptual table (an information object set) with one column for each field in the information object class, and with each complete row defining an information object.

ITU-T X.681-2015 信息技术.抽象语法标记_信息对象规格(研究组17).pdf (678.18 KB)

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