CEN/TS 16516-2013 建筑产品.危险物质释放的评估.室内空气排放测定

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标准号:CEN/TS 16516-2013
英文名称:Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination of emissions into indoor air
代替标准:FprCEN/TS 16516-2013
标准简介:This Technical Specification specifies a horizontal reference method for the determination of emissions of regulated dangerous substances from construction products into indoor air. This method is applicable to volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and volatile aldehydes. It is based on the use of a test chamber and subsequent analysis of the organic compounds by GC-MS or HPLC. NOTE 1 Supplemental information is given on indirect test methods (Annex B) and on measuring very volatile organic compounds (see informative Annex C). NOTE 2 This Technical Specification describes the overall procedure and makes use of existing standards mainly by normative reference, complemented when necessary with additional or modified normative requirements.

CEN_TS 16516-2013 建筑产品.危险物质释放的评估.室内空气排放测定.pdf (1.53 MB)

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