ISO 5903-1981 体操器械 跳垫和自由体操用品 硬度和冲击减震的测定

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标准号:ISO 5903-1981
中文名称:体操器械 跳垫和自由体操用品 硬度和冲击减震的测定
英文名称:Gymnastic equipment; Landing mats and surfaces for floor exercises; Determination of hardness and impact damping
采用标准:GOST R ISO 5903-1995,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 83
标准简介:Specifies principle, apparatus and procedure for a method for determination of the parameters mentioned above, in order to ensure that, for competitions and training, mats and surfaces for floor exercises are used, the hardness and impact damping of which lie in a specific range and to reduce the risk of injury to the gymnasts. The test method is based on the analysis of movement during landing and the evaluation of the energy level.

ISO 5903-1981 体操器械 跳垫和自由体操用品 硬度和冲击减震的测定.pdf (458.54 KB)

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