标准号:ITU-T X.36 SPANISH-2003
英文名称:Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) for public data networks providing frame relay data transmission service by dedicated circuit
标准简介:This Recommendation consists of two parts: the fist one is the comgendum to the published text of Recommendation X.36 agreed upon at the last meeting of Study Group 7 in 1995. This comgendum consists of edited pages of Recommendation X.36 reflecting the appropriate changes. The second part consists of a new clause: clause 10 and a new annex to X.36. Clause 10 defines the signalling for SVC at the DTE/DCE interface and the following three network facilities: closed user group, reverse charging and transit network selection.
ITU-T X.36 SPANISH-2003 数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)之间的接口,用于通过专用线路提供帧中继数据传输业务的公共数据网络.X系列_数据网络和开放系统通信.公共数据网络_接口.7号研究组.pdf
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