CEN/TS 15279-2006 工作场所暴露.皮肤暴露的测定.原则和方法

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标准号:CEN/TS 15279-2006
英文名称:Workplace exposure - Measurement of dermal exposure - Principles and methods
代替标准:prCEN/TS 15279-2005
采用标准:DIN CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;BS DD CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;OENORM CEN/TS 15279-2007,IDT;PKN-CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;PKN-CEN/TS 15279-2007,IDT;SIS-CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;CEN/TS 15279:en-2006,IDT;UNI CEN/TS 15279:2006-2006,IDT;CSN P CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;DS/CEN/TS 15279-2006,IDT;NPR-CEN/TS 15279:2006 en-2006,IDT
标准简介:This Technical Specification establishes principles and describes methods for the measurement of dermal
exposure in workplaces. It gives guidance on the commonly used approaches to the measurement of dermal
exposure, their advantages and limitations and how these might be assessed in specific circumstances for
specific compounds.
This Technical Specification should enable users of dermal sampling methods to adopt a consistent approach
to method validation and provide a framework for the assessment of method performance.
This Technical Specification describes the requirements against which sampling methods need to be
assessed. It will then indicate methods for agreement with these requirements. Requirements include
specification of the following:
NOTE Not all requirements are applicable to all methods.
 sampling efficiency;
 recovery efficiency;
 sample stability;
 maximum capacity;
 bias, precision, overall uncertainty;
 core information;
 contextual information.

CEN_TS 15279-2006 工作场所暴露.皮肤暴露的测定.原则和方法.pdf (522.39 KB)

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