EN 1338-2003 铺路用混凝土砌块.要求和试验方法;包含修改件2006年5月

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标准号:EN 1338-2003
英文名称:Concrete paving blocks - Requirements and test methods (Incorporating Corrigendum May 2006)
标准简介:This European Standard specifies materials, properties, requirements and test methods for unreinforcedcement bound concrete paving blocks and complementary fittings. It is applicable to precast concrete pavingblocks and complementary fittings for pedestrian use, vehicular use and roof coverings, e.g. footpaths,precincts, cycle tracks, car parks, roads, highways, industrial areas (including docks and harbours), aircraftpavements, bus stations, petrol filling stations.In case of regular use of studded tyres additional requirements are sometimes needed.This standard does not deal withThe tactility or visibility of blocks nor with permeable blocks.This standard provides forThe product marking andThe evaluation of conformity of the product toThisEuropean Standard.

EN 1338-2003 铺路用混凝土砌块.要求和试验方法;包含修改件2006年5月.pdf (764.56 KB)

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