EN 481-1993 工作场所空气.用于测量飘浮在空气中微粒的粒度确定

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标准号:EN 481-1993
英文名称:Workplace Atmospheres - Size Fraction Definitions for Measurement of Airborne Particles
代替标准:prEN 481-1992
采用标准:DIN EN 481-1993,IDT;BS EN 481-1993,IDT;NF X43-276-1993,IDT;OENORM EN 481-1993,IDT;OENORM EN 481-1991,NEQ;PN-EN 481-1998,IDT;SS-EN 481-1993,IDT;UNE-EN 481-1995,IDT;UNI EN 481:1994-1994,IDT;STN EN 481-1998,IDT;CSN EN 481-1994,IDT;DS/EN 481-1994,IDT;SFS-EN 481:en-2001,IDT
标准简介:This standard defines sampling conventions forparticle size fractions which are to be used inassessingThe possible health effects resulting frominhalation of airborne particles inThe workplaceThey are derived from experimental data forhealthy adults. Conventions are defined forTheinhalable, thoracic and respirable fractions;extrathoracic and tracheobronchial conventionsmay be calculated fromThe defined conventions.(The inhalable fraction is sometimes calledinspirable一the terms are equivalent.Thenomenclature of the fractions is discussed inannex A.) Assumptions are given in clause 4.Theconvention chosen will depend onThe region ofeffect of the component of interest inThe airborneparticles (see clause 3). Conventions are stated interms of mass fractions, butThey may also be usedwhenThe intention is to evaluateThe total surfacearea orThe number of particles inThe collectedmaterial.

EN 481-1993 工作场所空气.用于测量飘浮在空气中微粒的粒度确定.pdf (579.84 KB)

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