ITU-T X.1111-2007 家庭网络安全技术框架.(研究组17)

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标准号:ITU-T X.1111-2007
英文名称:Framework of security technologies for home network (Study Group 17)
标准简介:ITU-T Recommendation X.1111 describes security threats and security requirements to the home network from the point of view of home user and remote user. It excludes the security requirements from the service provider's viewpoint. In addition, this Recommendation categorizes security technologies by security functions that satisfy the above security requirements and by the place to which the security technologies are applied to in the model of the home network. Finally, the security function requirements for each entity in the network and possible implementation layers for security function are also presented.

ITU-T X.1111-2007 家庭网络安全技术框架.(研究组17).pdf (332.6 KB)

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