EN 1075-2014 木结构.试验方法.用带有穿孔金属板紧固件的接头

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标准号:EN 1075-2014
英文名称:Timber structures - Test methods - Joints made with punched metal plate fasteners
代替标准:EN 1075-1999;FprEN 1075-2014
采用标准:DIN EN 1075-2015,IDT;BS EN 1075-2015,IDT;NF P21-312-2015,IDT;SN EN 1075-2014,IDT;OENORM EN 1075-2015,IDT;PN-EN 1075-2015,IDT;SS-EN 1075-2014,IDT;UNE-EN 1075-2015,IDT;DS/EN 1075-2015,IDT;UNI EN 1075:2015-2015,IDT;STN EN 1075-2015,IDT;CSN EN 1075-2015,IDT;DS/EN 1075-2015,IDT;NEN-EN 1075:2014 en-2014,IDT;SFS-EN 1075:en-2015,IDT
标准简介:This European Standard specifies the test methods for determining the strength capacity and stiffness of joints made with punched metal plate fasteners in load bearing timber structures, being used to join two or more pieces of timber of the same thickness in the same plane. The properties measured are: - load-slip characteristics and maximum load resulting from the lateral resistance of the embedded projections, at various angles between the direction of the applied force and; - the axis of the fastener (load-fastener angle a); - the direction of the grain of the timber (load-grain angle b); - the tension capacity of the fastener at various angles; - the compression capacity of the fastener at various angles; - the shear capacity of the fastener at various angles. A nail root test method is shown in Annex A.

EN 1075-2014 木结构.试验方法.用带有穿孔金属板紧固件的接头.pdf (2.1 MB)

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