EN 12697-43-2014 沥青混合料.热拌沥青实验方法.第43部分:耐燃料

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标准号:EN 12697-43-2014
英文名称:Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 43: Resistance to fuel
代替标准:EN 12697-43-2005;FprEN 12697-43-2014
采用标准:DIN EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;BS EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;NF P98-818-43-2014,IDT;SN EN 12697-43-2015,IDT;OENORM EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;PN-EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;SS-EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;UNE-EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;TS EN 12697-43-2015,IDT;DS/EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;UNI EN 12697-43:2014-2014,IDT;STN EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;STN EN 12697-43-2015,IDT;CSN EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;DS/EN 12697-43-2014,IDT;NEN-EN 12697-43:2014 en-2014,IDT;SFS-EN 12697-43:en-2014,IDT
标准简介:This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the resistance of a bituminous mixture or pavement to fuels. The procedure involves initial soaking of a test specimen made in the laboratory or cored from a pavement in a fuel, followed by a brushing period with a brush test device. The material loss of the specimen is a measure of the resistance to that fuel for that bituminous mixture.

EN 12697-43-2014 沥青混合料.热拌沥青实验方法.第43部分_耐燃料.pdf (1.16 MB)

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