ITU-T SERIES H SUPP 17-2014 标准的可访问性指南(研究组16)

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标准号:ITU-T SERIES H SUPP 17-2014
英文名称:Guide for addressing accessibility in standards (Study Group 16)
标准简介:Supplement 17 to the ITU-T Series of Recommendations provides guidance to standards developers on addressing accessibility requirements, and recommendations in standards that focus,directly or indirectly,on systems (i.e.,products,services and built environments) used by people. To assist standards developers to define accessibility requirements andrecommendations,the Supplement presents:–a summary of current terminology relating to accessibility;–issues to consider in support of accessibility in the standards development process;– a set of accessibility goals (used to identify user accessibility needs);–descriptions of (and design considerations for) human abilities and characteristics;–strategies for addressing user accessibility needs and design considerations in standards.This supplement is technically aligned with ISO/IEC Guide 71 (2014).It includes the following modifications: Deletion of terminological entry 2.19 "accessible design",deletion of Note 2 in entry 2.18 "universal design",and amended paragraph 7 of the Introduction.

ITU-T SERIES H SUPP 17-2014 标准的可访问性指南(研究组16).pdf (988.69 KB)

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