EN 15380-5-2014 铁路应用.铁路车辆的分类系统.第5部分:系统崩溃结构(SBS)

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标准号:EN 15380-5-2014
英文名称:Railway applications - Classification system for railway vehicles - Part 5: System Breakdown Structure (SBS)
代替标准:FprEN 15380-5-2014
采用标准:DIN EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;BS EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;NF F01-380-5-2014,IDT;SN EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;OENORM EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;PN-EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;SS-EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;UNE-EN 15380-5-2015,IDT;DS/EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;UNI EN 15380-5:2014-2014,IDT;STN EN 15380-5-2015,IDT;CSN EN 15380-5-2015,IDT;DS/EN 15380-5-2014,IDT;NEN-EN 15380-5:2014 en-2014,IDT;SFS-EN 15380-5:en-2014,IDT
标准简介:This European Standard defines the System Breakdown Structure for railway vehicles and their principal associated attributes. This European Standard may also be applied to specific railway vehicles like track machines and snow ploughs. However, while the systems that are common with general railway vehicles are included, the systems which are specific to their work processes are not included in this European Standard. They need to be added for these individual projects.

EN 15380-5-2014 铁路应用.铁路车辆的分类系统.第5部分_系统崩溃结构(SBS).pdf (1.01 MB)

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