IEC 60118-4-2006 电声学.助听器.第4部分:助听器的声频感应线圈.磁场强度

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标准号:IEC 60118-4-2006
英文名称:Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 4: Induction loop systems for hearing aid purposes - Magnetic field strength
被替代标准:IEC 60118-4-2014
代替标准:IEC 29/604/FDIS-2006;IEC 60118-4-1981;IEC 60118-4 AMD 1-1998
采用标准:DIN EN 60118-4-2007,IDT;BS EN 60118-4-2007,IDT;GB/T 25102.4-2010,IDT;EN 60118-4-2006,IDT;NF C97-624-2007,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 60118-4-2007,IDT;PN-EN 60118-4-2007,IDT;PN-EN 60118-4-2007,IDT;UNE-EN 60118-4-2007,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 29
标准简介:This international standard is applicable to audio-frequency induction loop systems producing
an alternating magnetic field at audio frequencies and intended to provide an input signal for
hearing aids operating with an induction pick-up coil.
The standard specifies requirements for the field strength in audio-frequency induction loops
for hearing aid purposes, which will give adequate signal-to-noise ratio without overloading
the hearing aid. The standard also specifies the minimum frequency response requirements
for acceptable intelligibility.
Methods for measuring the magnetic field strength are specified, and information is given on
appropriate measuring equipment (see Annex B), information that should be provided to the
operator and users of the system (see Annex C), and other important considerations.
The standard does not specify requirements for loop driver amplifiers or associated
microphone or audio signal sources, or for the field strength produced by equipment, such as
telephone handsets, within the scope of ITU-T P.370.

IEC 60118-4-2006 电声学.助听器.第4部分_助听器的声频感应线圈.磁场强度.pdf (726.62 KB)

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