IEC 61804-3-2006 过程控制用功能块.第3部分:电器装置描述语言(EDDL)

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标准号:IEC 61804-3-2006
英文名称:Function blocks (FB) for process control - Part 3: Electronic Device Description Danguage (EDDL)
被替代标准:IEC 61804-3-2010
代替标准:IEC 65C/406/CDV-2005;IEC 61804-2-2004
采用标准:DIN EN 61804-3-2007,IDT;ANSI/ISA 61804-3-2007,IDT;BS EN 61804-3-2010,IDT;EN 61804-3-2007,IDT;prEN 61804-3-2006,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 61804-3-2007,IDT;PN-EN 61804-3-2008,IDT
起草单位:IEC/SC 65C
标准简介:This part of IEC 61804 specifies the Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)
technology, which enables the integration of real product details using the tools of the
engineering life cycle.
This standard specifies EDDL as a generic language for describing the properties of
automation system components. EDDL is capable of describing
• device parameters and their dependencies;
• device functions, for example, simulation mode, calibration;
• graphical representations, for example, menus;
• interactions with control devices
• graphical representations
– enhanced user interface
– graphing system
• persistent data store.
EDDL is to be used to create Electronic Device Description (EDD). This EDD is used with
appropriate tools to generate interpretative code to support parameter handling, operation, and
monitoring of automation system components such as remote I/Os, controllers, sensors, and
programmable controllers. Tool implementation is outside the scope of this standard.
This standard specifies the semantic and lexical structure in a syntax-independent manner. A
specific syntax is defined in Annex A, but it is possible to use the semantic model also with
different syntaxes.
NOTE 1 The EDDL may also be used for the description of product properties in other domains.
The EDDL and the device-related EDD is applicable to industrial automation.
NOTE 2 Industrial automation may include devices such as generic digital and analog input/output modules,
motion controllers, human machine interfaces, sensors, closed-loop controllers, encoders, hydraulic valves, and
programmable controllers.
This International Standard satisfies the requirements of Clause 9 of IEC 61804-1.

IEC 61804-3-2006 过程控制用功能块.第3部分_电器装置描述语言(EDDL).pdf (2.08 MB)

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