IEC 60534-4-2006 工业过程控制阀.第4部分:检验和常规试验

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标准号:IEC 60534-4-2006
英文名称:Industrial process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing
代替标准:IEC 65B/588/FDIS-2006;IEC 60534-4-1999
采用标准:DIN EN 60534-4-2007,IDT;BS EN 60534-4-2006,IDT;EN 60534-4-2006,IDT;NF C46-513-2006,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 60534-4-2007,IDT;PN-EN 60534-4-2006,IDT
起草单位:IEC/SC 65B
标准简介:This part of IEC 60534 specifies the requirements for the inspection and routine testing of
control valves manufactured in conformity with the other parts of IEC 60534.
This standard is applicable to valves with pressure ratings not exceeding Class 2500. The
requirements for actuators apply only to pneumatic actuators.
This standard does not apply to the types of control valves where radioactive service, fire
safety testing, or other hazardous service conditions are encountered. If a standard for
hazardous service conflicts with the requirements of this standard, the standard for hazardous
service should take precedence.
NOTE This standard can be extended to higher pressure ratings by agreement between purchaser and

IEC 60534-4-2006 工业过程控制阀.第4部分_检验和常规试验.pdf (621.5 KB)

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