IEC 62394-2006 消费者电子产品和网络用服务诊断接口.ECHONET的实施

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标准号:IEC 62394-2006
英文名称:Service diagnostic interface for consumer electronics products and networks – Implementation for ECHONET (Edition 2.0)
被替代标准:IEC 62394-2013
代替标准:IEC 100/1077/FDIS-2006
起草单位:IEC/TC 100
标准简介:This International Standard specifies requirements for service diagnostic software to be
implemented in products that incorporate a digital interface. It does not specify requirements
for carrying out remote diagnosis or for manufacturer-dependent software.
The SDI requires the use of a controller (exclusive controller or general-purpose controller/PC)
into which service diagnostic software can be loaded. Part of this controller software should
be standardized while another part of this controller software is manufacturer-/product-related.
To reach a common approach in servicing all products from all manufacturers it is necessary
to standardize specific items in the products (device under test (DUT)) as well as in the
diagnostic software on the controller.
The SDI is based upon the ECHONET specification because this interface will be used in
most future products. The use of this connection and existing communication protocols enable
implementation in products at low cost and gives maximum flexibility and efficiency.
The SDI consists of
• the specific hardware and software requirements of the DUT;
• the specific requirements of the controller:
– the service software;
– an ECHONET interface (to be built in if not already present);
• the connection between the controller and the DUT.
This specification is the minimal specification necessary to be able to carry out computerized
diagnosis and covers the standardized software of the controller as well as the standardized
software and provisions in the DUT.

IEC 62394-2006 消费者电子产品和网络用服务诊断接口.ECHONET的实施.pdf (758.24 KB)

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