标准号:ISO 20474-4-2008
英文名称:Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 4: Requirements for backhoe-loaders
被替代标准:ISO 20474-4-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 20474-4-2008
采用标准:ABNT NBR ISO 20474-4-2010,IDT;GB 25684.4-2010,MOD;SS-ISO 20474-4-2009,IDT;SANS 20474-4-2010,IDT;KS B ISO 20474-4-2012,IDT;GOST R ISO 20474-4-2012,IDT;SANS 20474-4-2010,IDT;SANS 20474-4-2010-2010,IDT;NEN-ISO 20474-4-2009 en-2009,IDT;SANS 20474-4-2010-2010,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 127
标准简介:This part of ISO 20474 gives the safety requirements specific to wheeled and crawler backhoe loaders as
defined in ISO 6165. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 20474-1, which specifies general safety
requirements common to earth-moving machine families, and with ISO/TS 20474-14, which gives information
on provisions that are mandatory in particular countries or regions. The specific requirements given in this part
of ISO 20474 take precedence over the general requirements of ISO 20474-1.
This part of ISO 20474 deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the
earth-moving machinery within its Scope when used as intended or under conditions of misuse reasonably
foreseeable by the manufacturer (see also ISO/TS 20474-14). It specifies the appropriate technical measures
for eliminating or reducing risks arising from significant hazards, hazardous situations or events during
commissioning, operation and maintenance. It is not applicable to machines manufactured before the date of
its publication.
ISO 20474-4-2008 土方机械.安全性.第4部分_反铲挖土机-装载机用要求.pdf
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