标准号:ISO 5208-2008
英文名称:Industrial valves - Pressure testing of metallic valves
被替代标准:ISO 5208-2015
代替标准:ISO 5208-1993;ISO/FDIS 5208-2008
采用标准:BS ISO 5208-2009,IDT;GOST R 53402-2009,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 153
标准简介:This International Standard specifies examinations and tests that a valve manufacturer needs to act upon in
order to establish the integrity of the pressure boundary of an industrial metallic valve and to verify the degree
of valve closure tightness and the structural adequacy of its closure mechanism. This International Standard is
to be applied in conjunction with the specific requirements of a valve product standard to the extent cited by
the product standard as a normative reference. Where requirements of a product standard differ from those
given in this International Standard, the requirements of the product standard apply.
This International Standard does not cover safety aspects of pressure testing.
ISO 5208-2008 工业阀门.金属阀门的压力试验.pdf
(176.97 KB)