ISO GUIDE 78-2008 机械安全性.安全标准的起草和报批规则

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标准号:ISO GUIDE 78-2008
英文名称:Safety of machinery - Rules for drafting and presentation of safety standards
被替代标准:ISO GUIDE 78-2012
标准简介:This Guide presents rules for the drafting and presentation of International Standards dealing with machinery
safety and safety components and their revisions, primarily to achieve consistency and acceptable quality of
the various standards to be prepared.
It also gives requirements on the criteria for the selection of new work items and for procedures to prepare,
produce or revise standards in an efficient and effective way.
This Guide gives requirements that are additional to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, when this is necessary
owing to the special requirements of machinery safety standards and standards for safety components.
This Guide is primarily intended for the drafting of type-C standards. It is also applicable to the drafting of type-
B standards; however, the foreseeable variation in the format of these standards prevents general application.
When its requirements are specific to type-B standards, this is indicated.

ISO GUIDE 78-2008 机械安全性.安全标准的起草和报批规则.pdf (486.67 KB)

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